Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of writing for hundreds of brands in a wide range of industries. I’ve written about everything from beef jerky and underwear to financial planning and Medicare. I create compelling content quickly for any business, medium and audience. Let’s Talk.
Top BraNDS
A sampling of top brands I’ve worked with.
“Diane is the best writer that I’ve had the opportunity to work with - really it’s not even close. She’s thoughtful, detail oriented and always able to come up with compelling copy quickly. It’s a legit super power. I’d highly recommend her services to anyone who needs quality, professional copy for their upcoming project.”
A Little AboUt Me
I have an MFA in Creative Non-Fiction Writing from the University of Pittsburgh, 20+ experience in digital content marketing and recently won an Emmy Award for a humorous little video script I wrote (check it out on my portfolio). I live in paradise, also known as Safety Harbor, Florida, with my husband, Glenn. We also have two dogs: Deuce - a grumpy old beagle and criminal mastermind - and Eva - a big puppy who eats our walls and is terrified of laundry baskets.